
A Complete Guide to Wearing Contacts

Contact lenses offer vision correction, comfort, and convenience for active lifestyles. If you’re considering contacts or have recently started trying them out, there a few things you should know. First, contact lenses are much easier to manage than you might think. And, with a little practice and preparation, anyone can feel comfortable using and wearing contacts. We’re sharing some of the most important highlights below. 

Choosing the Right Contacts

wearing contacts dailies

After receiving your eye exam and new prescription, it’s time to decide on a brand and how often you’d like to replace your contacts. Most manufacturers and brands use distinct materials and technologies in the making of their lenses. So, some lenses may be more or less suitable for you, depending on your eye condition and preference. And, it may take some trial and error to find what works for you. 


Daily contacts are disposable one-day lenses. These lenses can be thrown out every night and exchanged for a fresh new pair each morning. Because daily lenses eliminate cleaning and storage concerns, there’s a lower risk for eye infections. Additionally, several brands offer lenses that correct for eye conditions such as astigmatism and presbyopia. However, daily disposable contact lenses are generally more expensive than extended wear lenses. But, keep in mind you will also save money on products such as cleaning solution.

Weekly or Monthly 

With weekly or monthly contacts, the same pair of lenses are typically worn for 7-30 days and then replaced. With this option, the lenses must be removed and cleaned every night to ensure the most comfortable experience. For some, the process of cleaning, storing and handling one pair of contacts is worth it based on the cost-effectiveness alone. And, for certain eye conditions like myopia, re-usable lenses can help correct the issue long-term. Although, with extended-use contacts, there is a slight risk for eye infections from the build-up of bacteria. 

Practice Makes Perfect

wearing contacts feature

Initially, touching your eye might seem nerve-wracking and rather intimidating. But, there is nothing to worry about as you shouldn’t feel any pain in the process. Before you know it, putting in your contacts will become second nature. And, don’t get discouraged if you mess up the first time or if the lens feels uncomfortable. It usually takes a few tries to get it right. As a beginner, follow these steps for using your new lenses. 

Putting Contacts In:
  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap and water.
  2. Gently take your lenses out of the case or packaging. Place it on the tip of your middle or index finger. Make sure the contact is not inside out. This is the case if the edges of the contact flare out. Notably, some brands have markers that indicate the lens is the correct way around. 
  3. Depending on your preference, hold your upper eyelid up or pull down your lower eyelid to avoid blinking and to keep eyelashes out of the way.
  4. Start moving the contact lens toward your eye and place it lightly on the center of your eye. Then, close your eye and blink, allowing for the lens to settle. Repeat for the other eye.
Taking Contacts Out:
  1. Clean your hands and dry them well. 
  2. Starting with your right eye, look up and use your index finger to touch the lower edge of the lens. Then, slide it down to the lower part of your eye.
  3. To remove it, use your thumb and index finger to squeeze the lens between your fingers. Repeat for your left eye. 
  4. If you wear disposable daily contacts, toss them out. If you wear re-usable contacts, place your contacts in the storage case. Finally, add contact solution to clean and disinfect. 

Exercise Healthy Habits

When you first start wearing contacts, it’s important to keep up with healthy habits that may be new to your lifestyle. Considering the following tips:

  • Don’t rub your eyes. Dirt and oil from your fingers may stick to the lens or dislodge it.
  • Clean, disinfect and store your lenses and lens case as instructed. Never rinse your contact lenses or lens case with tap water.
  • Don’t wear your contact lenses overnight or for longer than instructed by your doctor. 
  • Use rewetting drops to keep your eyes hydrated, especially if you work in front of a computer all day.
  • Drink lots of water to ensure your body and eyes are hydrated.

Wearing contacts can be tricky at first, but don’t give up. It takes a few days to get used to the process, and practice makes perfect. To learn more about contact lenses and the brands that we carry, schedule an appointment with Looking Glass Optical. You can schedule one online or give us a call at (410) 768-0202.
