Bifocal Contacts? Yes. Since the 1960s! They were originally designed in hard lens materials. The original designs looked much like the eyeglasses with the reading portion at the bottom of the lens. The lens was made thicker at the bottom to keep the bifocal in position. These are actually still available today in many designs but made from more comfortable and healthier gas permeable materials.
The more popular ones are made of soft lens materials and utilize a simultaneous vision system. This means that both the distance and the near vision are simultaneously in the pupil.

One-size does not fit all when it comes to contact lenses. There are so many options available today. Click below to learn more or contact us today.
Generally, the best vision is achieved with a gas permeable or rigid lens material. Gas permeable lenses offer crisp sharp vision and automatically correct for astigmatism. They also work well for dry eye patients. Patients will frequently wear one pair of lenses for at least a year or two. Care for gas perms is very easy.
For patients presently wearing single vision gas permeable lenses, the transition into a bifocal is very easy. Soft lens patients do require more time to adapt but can also make the transition and enjoy great distance, near, and computer vision.
The newest breakthrough, January 1, 2008, is a hybrid bifocal lens called the Synergeyes lens. This lens has the best of both worlds. This lens is essentially a soft lens with a gas permeable center! The bifocal is a simultaneous design with comfort and optical clarity second to none.
Patients without astigmatism do well with a plethora of soft lens bifocal designs. These are available in two weeks, four week, or quarterly disposable materials. New materials for dry eyes are also available. These lenses are usually of simultaneous design. There is even a progressive bifocal contact lens design.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Your eyes are an important aspect of your overall health. Give us a call today or book an appointment online.