Eye Test for Kids 101
You may be wondering when is the appropriate time to take your child to the eye doctor for the first time. And, understandably, many parents don’t seek out an eye test for kids unless there is a noticeable issue with the child’s vision. However, it’s still important for children to have routine eye examinations beginning at an early age. Because, if left untreated, vision problems can become more difficult to correct.
When to Get an Eye Test for Kids
A child’s first eye exam should take place by a pediatrician when they are six months old. It is essential to get your child’s vision checked early to rule out disease, poor eyesight, and lazy eye. Even if there are no risk factors or family history of eye problems, children should have their vision checked again at age 3 and before first grade.
By age 2 ½ to 3 ½, all children should have a routine professional, comprehensive eye health, vision and vision development examination. Further, screenings by pediatricians or schools are not a substitute for a professional eye exam. So, even if the results of a child’s eye exam at school display 20/20 vision, the child should still see an optometrist routinely.
Signs of Vision Problems
If you notice any sudden changes in your child’s behavior, vision, or school performance, make an appointment with an eye doctor immediately. Some of the common symptoms of vision problems of school-age children include:
- Blurry or double vision
- Trouble seeing information on the chalkboard
- Avoids close work
- Poor school performance
- Tends to rub his/her eyes
- Has headaches or eye pain
- Squinting
- Holds reading material closer than normal
- Loses place while reading
- Omits or confuses small words when reading
Visit Dr. Frenkel for an Eye Exam
With over two decades of experience, developmental optometrist Dr. Debra Frenkel specializes in vision evaluations and individualized vision therapy programs. She works diligently with patients to optimize visual function and increase performance in daily living, school, and work.
Dr. Frenkel is a graduate of the State University of New York School of Optometry. During her residency at the Illinois College of Optometry, she concentrated on pediatrics, infants clinic, and working with adults and children with decreased visual acuities and legal blindness. Today, Dr. Frenkel has focused her practice on children (verbal and nonverbal) with learning disabilities or special needs, infants, and adults.
Be sure to schedule regular eye appointments for your child to ensure that their vision is in excellent condition. Eye exams are quick and painless and are just as important as other yearly physical exams. Scheduling an eye test for kids will ensure your child has the best chance of performing well in school and different facets of life.