What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a program of eye exercises that can enhance the quality of visual performance in school, the workplace, and on the playground. It is similar and often compared to physical therapy for the visual system. This includes a combination of the eyes and the parts of the brain that control vision.

Therapy for your eyes aims to train the optic system to correct itself.  However, it does not take the place of ocular correction. It helps to retrain the brain to assist traditional treatment. It can strengthen the muscles of the eye to enable the eyes to focus easier.

Vision therapy can include the use of lenses, prisms, and filters plus computer-assisted visual activities. Our therapist uses other devices, such as balance boards, metronomes, and non-computerized ocular instruments to create a customized eye therapy program. We treat each and every case individually and to create the very best treatment possible.

Catch Eye Problems Before They Get Serious

Interested in learning more about our services? Click below to learn more about each specialty or problem that you are concerned about. If you have any questions, please give us a call.

Results of Vision Therapy

Here are some areas that can show improvement with proper therapy.

School Performance

Vision therapy can help with reading skills and improve handwriting. Many children go undiagnosed with vision problems. We have a pediatric specialist on staff to help find the best therapy for your child.

Control and Prevention of Myopia

Preventing and sometimes reversing myopia, also know as nearsightedness, is now possible with therapy especially when there is a discovery of a presence of slow change focusing.

Sports Vision

Exercises in eye-hand coordination, the speed of vision, peripheral vision reaction time, help to enhance improvement in sports. Athletes looking to improve their performance can benefit from eye therapy.


If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation with our therapist and pediatric specialist, Dr. Debra Frenkel, O.D.