Alcohol consumption can affect the human body, including the eyes. The short-term and long-term effects of alcohol on the eyes depend on the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption. In this blog, we will discuss the impact of alcohol on the eye.
Read more →Keratitis symptoms and treatments will depend on the severity of the condition. Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea, the clear, dome-shaped surface covering the front of the eye. Various factors, including infections, injuries, and underlying medical conditions, can cause it. Keep reading to learn about the two categories of keratitis as well as symptoms and treatments.
Read more →According to the CDC, more than half of the people with glaucoma don’t know they have it. Glaucoma causes vision loss and, if left unchecked, blindness. Glaucoma damages the nerve in the back of your eye, called the optic nerve. Learning about glaucoma is always possible by talking to your optometrist. Read on to learn more about preventative measures and possible treatments to avoid vision loss from glaucoma.
Read more →Visual impairment is a term experts define as any loss of sight. Vision impairment uses visual acuity to measure the level of vision loss. Read on to learn more about visual impairment, visual acuity, vision loss, and when it can be corrected with lenses.
Read more →We have all heard of the links of smoking to cancer, heart diseases, strokes, and lung diseases. But are you aware of the links to smoking and how it can damage your eyesight? No matter the form you use – cigars, pipes, and vaping it is all linked to damaging your eyesight.
Read more →We often hear jokes about nighttime driving and people’s inability to see well at night, and although the jokes are funny, we do need to take this seriously. Nighttime driving, for those of us with less than stellar eyesight, can be stressful and dangerous to ourselves and others. Read on to learn when and how nighttime driving ability can get worse and how to solve this.
Read more →What is an Astigmatism and how can it be treated with contact lenses, and what options are available for contact lenses for Astigmatism? Astigmatism is relatively common and treatable, caused by an imperfection in the eye’s curvature. Of course, contact lens options to correct astigmatism exists. Read on to learn more about corrective contact lens options.
Read more →Most people have heard that the sun can damage your eyes and that wearing sunglasses can help protect you from this damage. What many people don’t realize, however, is the importance of sunglasses throughout the entire year, not just in the summer. Learn more about why wearing sunglasses in winter is essential.
Read more →Whether you’re putting in hours at work or studying for school, many people spend a lot of time staring at screens. Computer screens, cell phones, and tablets have become a part of everyday life.
Many people spend hours each day with their eyes glued to a digital screen. But how can you protect your vision? With so many digital eye strain myths, it can be hard to know the truth.
The unfortunate reality is that all of this screen time can damage your eyesight and cause uncomfortable symptoms. Know the truth about digital eye strain and some common misconceptions by reading the guide below.
Read more →Vision problems like nearsightedness, lazy eye, or blurred vision are all common issues in children. When these go untreated, they can have an impact on numerous aspects of your child’s life. Your kid’s undiagnosed vision problems can lead to poor performance in school, difficulty socializing, and more. Read on to find out five ways that vision problems can have a negative impact on your child’s life when left untreated.
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