Have you ever wondered how does your eye work? Simply put, light reflects off an object and enters the eye and travels instantly through the sections of the eye and is read by the brain. We have broken it down piece by piece to make it easier to understand.
Read more →5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness throughout the world. Most common in older people, in fact, by age 80 more than half of all Americans have cataracts or have had surgery to remove cataracts. Cataracts form when protein builds
Read more →What You Need to Know About Chronic Dry Eyes Chronic dry eyes is an uncomfortable but common condition of the eyes characterized by burning or scratching sensations. You may experience eye redness or sensitivity to light, and it can be difficult even to put in your contact
Read more →Benefits of Vision Therapy for Children Vision therapy is an alternative to eyeglasses, contacts or even eye surgery. Instead of compensating for vision problems, vision therapy aims to team the eye to correct itself. It is a type of physical therapy for the eyes and brain. If
Read more →How do EnChroma Glasses work? People who are color blind may go through their lives not quite understanding the perception of color. While they may be able to distinguish an array of shades, they will not be able to see specific colors. EnChroma Glasses are a union of color vision
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