What are Eye Floaters?

What are Eye Floaters? Picture of human eye.

Have you ever noticed spots in your vision or something seemingly covering your eye while you try to look at an object? Most likely you have experienced eye floaters and not even known it. Eye floaters give the perception that something is floating in your line of vision. While this may seem like an optical illusion, you actually have something going on inside your eyes. It’s important to understand what eye floaters are, how they occur, and how to treat them.

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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to the Sun?

Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to the Sun

Do you have blue eyes? Do you find that you squint or tear up in the bright sun? Are blues eyes more sensitive to the sun? The short answer to the question is yes. Light colored eyes, including blue, green, and gray are more reactive to the sun or bright light. Professionals refer to this as photophobia.

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9 Eye Care Tips for the New Year

eye care tips Looking Glass Blog

The health of your eyes is imperative for your good health. Good vision is something that we often take for granted until there is an issue. Looking Glass Optical has a list of eye care tips for the New Year that will ensure your eyes are their healthiest from now and into the future.

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Proper Nutrition for Healthy Vision

Proper Nutrition for Healthy Vision

Looking Glass Optical believes in a holistic approach to wellness. We understand that proper nutrition for healthy vision decreases the risk of many genetic eye diseases. We have some helpful tips for improving your diet. We recommend you follow this guide which includes proper nutrition for healthy vision.

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How Your Eyes Work

How Does Your Eye Work?

Have you ever wondered how does your eye work? Simply put, light reflects off an object and enters the eye and travels instantly through the sections of the eye and is read by the brain. We have broken it down piece by piece to make it easier to understand.

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5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts

5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts

5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness throughout the world. Most common in older people, in fact, by age 80 more than half of all Americans have cataracts or have had surgery to remove cataracts. Cataracts form when protein builds

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