Why Tanning Bed Eye Safety Is Not Silly & Protects Against Damage

Tanning Bed Eye Safety

Tanning beds一they were once a miraculous piece of technology that enabled even the most sun-deprived person to keep a golden tan. Today, they have become so commonplace you may have forgotten what it was like to only have a tan in summer. You may also have forgotten that the intense ultraviolet rays used for tanning come with certain health risks. Before you slip into that bronze glow, make sure you follow proper precautions, including tanning bed eye safety.

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Hitting the Slopes: 4 Tips for Winter Eye Safety

Winter Eye Safety

You’ve got your hat, gloves, scarf, and boots to protect you from the harsh winter elements, but what’s protecting your eyes? Winter weather can strain your eyes, causing discomfort and affecting your vision. During the colder months, the air is dry, and the glare from sunlight reflecting off snow can overexpose your eyes to ultraviolet light. So before you hit the slopes or head out to shovel the walk, take a few minutes to think about winter eye safety.

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Parent’s Guide to Amblyopia in Kids

Parent’s Guide to Amblyopia in Kids

Amblyopia is the technical term for a condition that most parents know as “lazy eye.” This condition is one of the most common eye problems, with amblyopia in kids affecting nearly one out of every hundred children. As a parent, you might not understand what lazy eye is, how it affects kids, why it happens, or what you can do about it. Here are some of the things that you might need to know!

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Early Warning Signs: The Connection Between Heart Health and Eyes

heart health and eyes

Your cardiovascular system is definitely a contender as one of the most important systems in your body. Cardiovascular health affects every aspect of your life, but did you know that there’s a clear connection between heart health and eyes? Early warning signs in your eyes could let you know about potential heart issues sooner. Here are some of the top things to watch for!

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Aging Vision Doesn’t Mean You Have to Suffer Vision Loss

Aging Vision Doesn’t Mean You Have to Suffer Vision Loss

Some amount of deterioration is expected as we age. It’s normal to lose bone density and muscle mass as well as have some sagging and wrinkles. You might not be able to stay up all night and function the next day as you did in your youth, or you might have to give up spicy foods. Unfortunately, some sensory deterioration is also expected. That said, there are things you can do to maintain bone and muscle strength and minimize the progression of lines and wrinkles, and in many cases, you can also stave off vision loss as you age. According to the National Eye Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the risk for eye disease increases with age, but there are steps you can take to prevent vision loss. The first thing you need to do is understand the most common eye issues related to aging.

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Should Kids Wear Eye Protection When Playing Sports?

Should Kids Wear Eye Protection When Playing Sports

Many sports entail some risks for participants. These days, you might be more worried about the eye strain caused by blue light exposure due to the many hours that kids spend engaged with technologies like TV, video games, computers, and mobile devices. The risk for eye injury in sports also bears consideration, though. The easy solution is to make sure your children have proper eye protection for the sports they love. In some cases, they may need different options for different activities, but the benefits make having the right eye protection on hand well worthwhile.

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The Science of Tear Production: Why Your Eyes Water

Science of Tear Production - Why Your Eyes Water

Picture yourself enjoying a day outdoors, lounging in the sun, or playing with your dog. Suddenly, a strong wind comes, and some debris makes its way into your eyes. You blink, and they begin to water. While you went to remove the debris from your eye, your eyes themselves began the process immediately, thanks to tear production. Tear production is one of the most basic functions of your organs of sight, and it occurs for an important reason.

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Eye Safety and Fireworks – Keep Your Eyes Safe this 4th of July

Eye Safety And Fireworks (featured image)

July 4th is a high-risk time for eye injuries. In 2019, there were 10,000 injuries and 12 deaths caused by fireworks. While big, bold, and mesmerizing backyard firework displays are exciting, your fun-filled 4th of July can be rudely cut short with a visit to the ER if a firework hits you or your loved one in the eye. Learning eye safety and fireworks is the key to avoiding such a scenario.

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What the Location of Your Headaches Tells You: A Guide to Headaches and Eyes

Headache And Eyes (Featured Image)

Headaches are among the most common disorders of the nervous system in our body. Just about everyone has experienced their head hurting at least once in their life. But did you know that headaches and eyes are often intertwined? This is because most headaches you experience occur in the regions behind the eyes. If you feel pain in these regions, it might be a specific type of headache that requires certain treatment.

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