Do I Have the Right Eyeglass Prescription?

Sight test seen through eye glasses

When you pick up your new eyeglasses, there is usually a bit of an adjustment period. However, if after a few days, you feel something is not quite right and you are asking the question, “Do I have the right eyeglass prescription?”

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How Your Eyes Work

How Does Your Eye Work?

Have you ever wondered how does your eye work? Simply put, light reflects off an object and enters the eye and travels instantly through the sections of the eye and is read by the brain. We have broken it down piece by piece to make it easier to understand.

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5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts

5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts

5 Ways You Can Prevent Cataracts Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness throughout the world. Most common in older people, in fact, by age 80 more than half of all Americans have cataracts or have had surgery to remove cataracts. Cataracts form when protein builds

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What is the PuriLens System?


What is the PuriLens System? There are many contact lens cleaning products and systems on the market today. Which is the best? Dr. Teles recommends the Purilens System because it is chemical free, therefore will not cause allergic reactions, dry eye, or irritation. It is safe for any

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Patented GUNNAR Technology

Digitial Eye Strain - Patented GUNNAR Technology

Patented GUNNAR Technology Are you experiencing Digital Eye Strain? The world is interconnected through a digital network in which the majority of humans are now spending most of their day in front of a monitor or gazing at the screens on their hand-held device. Peering into this

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5 Reasons You Should Have Prescription Sunglasses

Prescription Sunglasses Protect Your Eyes

5 Reasons You Should Have Prescription Sunglasses If you have worn glasses for years, you may understand the frustration of squinting in the sun or experiencing difficulty when exercising or participating in sports during a bright day. It is possible that you have been considering prescription sunglasses

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