At Looking Glass Optical, we just as dedicated to vision health as we are to educating our customers about their eyes. That is why we have a monthly blog about all sorts of topics. If you don’t want to miss out on the latest blogs, sign up for our monthly newsletter and follow us on Facebook. We truly believe knowledge is power. That is why comprehensive eye exams are so important. The more you know about your eye health, the better.

As a commitment to eye education and health, we also support Promise in Sight. It is a non-profit organization committed to preventing blindness and help preserve vision for those who don’t have access to great eye healthcare. You can learn about this and other great topics below. If there is a topic you don’t see, give us a call! We are always eager to help our patients with any questions you may have.

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome and How Can You Prevent It?

Computer Vision Syndrome

There’s a reason why your parents told you not to sit too close to the TV screen. When most of your day consists of looking at digital screens, like televisions, computers, and cellphones, it takes a real toll on your eyes. Computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain, is a condition in which you may experience headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision, and shoulder pain from constantly looking at digital screens. The condition can wreak havoc on your quality of life and cause several uncomfortable symptoms. Read on for a few ways to prevent digital eye strain so you can keep your peace of mind.

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5 Facts About Baby Vision Development You Should Know

Baby Vision Development

Seeing your little one discover the new world around them and begin to recognize familiar faces is exciting. Like everything else, a baby’s vision is delicate and developing quickly, and you want to protect it as much as possible. The first step to protecting your infant’s vision health is understanding the way that baby vision development works. This article will outline the five most important facts to know about baby vision development and how you can support it. Read on to learn more.

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Why Tanning Bed Eye Safety Is Not Silly & Protects Against Damage

Tanning Bed Eye Safety

Tanning beds一they were once a miraculous piece of technology that enabled even the most sun-deprived person to keep a golden tan. Today, they have become so commonplace you may have forgotten what it was like to only have a tan in summer. You may also have forgotten that the intense ultraviolet rays used for tanning come with certain health risks. Before you slip into that bronze glow, make sure you follow proper precautions, including tanning bed eye safety.

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Hitting the Slopes: 4 Tips for Winter Eye Safety

Winter Eye Safety

You’ve got your hat, gloves, scarf, and boots to protect you from the harsh winter elements, but what’s protecting your eyes? Winter weather can strain your eyes, causing discomfort and affecting your vision. During the colder months, the air is dry, and the glare from sunlight reflecting off snow can overexpose your eyes to ultraviolet light. So before you hit the slopes or head out to shovel the walk, take a few minutes to think about winter eye safety.

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Glasses, Contacts, and Travel: How to Prep for Vision Care on a Trip

vision care on a trip

There’s never a “good time” for an eye care emergency to arise. But when you’re booking travel, it can be especially nerve-wracking if you wear glasses or contacts. Whether you’re going away for a cruise or heading off for an important business trip, it is important to prepare your eye care. With that in mind, we’ve prepared a quick guide to prepping and packing for vision care on a trip.

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Glasses for Kids – How to Help Your Child Adjust to New Glasses

Glasses for Kids

While getting glasses can be a life-changing moment for a child, it can also cause plenty of stress for a parent. After all, children aren’t exactly known for staying still or keeping things on their faces! So how can you help your child adjust to new glasses? Here are some of our top tips to help parents deal with the challenges of new glasses for kids.

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Parent’s Guide to Amblyopia in Kids

Parent’s Guide to Amblyopia in Kids

Amblyopia is the technical term for a condition that most parents know as “lazy eye.” This condition is one of the most common eye problems, with amblyopia in kids affecting nearly one out of every hundred children. As a parent, you might not understand what lazy eye is, how it affects kids, why it happens, or what you can do about it. Here are some of the things that you might need to know!

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Early Warning Signs: The Connection Between Heart Health and Eyes

heart health and eyes

Your cardiovascular system is definitely a contender as one of the most important systems in your body. Cardiovascular health affects every aspect of your life, but did you know that there’s a clear connection between heart health and eyes? Early warning signs in your eyes could let you know about potential heart issues sooner. Here are some of the top things to watch for!

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Aging Vision Doesn’t Mean You Have to Suffer Vision Loss

Aging Vision Doesn’t Mean You Have to Suffer Vision Loss

Some amount of deterioration is expected as we age. It’s normal to lose bone density and muscle mass as well as have some sagging and wrinkles. You might not be able to stay up all night and function the next day as you did in your youth, or you might have to give up spicy foods. Unfortunately, some sensory deterioration is also expected. That said, there are things you can do to maintain bone and muscle strength and minimize the progression of lines and wrinkles, and in many cases, you can also stave off vision loss as you age. According to the National Eye Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the risk for eye disease increases with age, but there are steps you can take to prevent vision loss. The first thing you need to do is understand the most common eye issues related to aging.

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Should Kids Wear Eye Protection When Playing Sports?

Should Kids Wear Eye Protection When Playing Sports

Many sports entail some risks for participants. These days, you might be more worried about the eye strain caused by blue light exposure due to the many hours that kids spend engaged with technologies like TV, video games, computers, and mobile devices. The risk for eye injury in sports also bears consideration, though. The easy solution is to make sure your children have proper eye protection for the sports they love. In some cases, they may need different options for different activities, but the benefits make having the right eye protection on hand well worthwhile.

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