At Looking Glass Optical, we just as dedicated to vision health as we are to educating our customers about their eyes. That is why we have a monthly blog about all sorts of topics. If you don’t want to miss out on the latest blogs, sign up for our monthly newsletter and follow us on Facebook. We truly believe knowledge is power. That is why comprehensive eye exams are so important. The more you know about your eye health, the better.

As a commitment to eye education and health, we also support Promise in Sight. It is a non-profit organization committed to preventing blindness and help preserve vision for those who don’t have access to great eye healthcare. You can learn about this and other great topics below. If there is a topic you don’t see, give us a call! We are always eager to help our patients with any questions you may have.

Helping Your Child Develop Healthy Vision

Develop Healthy Vision in Children

Approximately 547,083 American children struggle with visual complications. As a parent, you can try a variety of techniques to help your child enjoy healthy vision. By ensuring your child consumes a healthy diet, carries out visual exercises, and goes for regular pediatric eye checkups, you can help them preserve and strengthen their eyesight.

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How to Properly Care for Your Lenses

Cleaning Glasses - How to Properly Care for Your Lenses

Over 60% of the population wears eyeglasses or contact lenses.  Lenses are essential because they help you see better, and for those with extremely low vision, they can be a lifesaver. However, it’s no secret that eyeglasses are often expensive.  Even though newer and nearly scratch-resistant lenses are being manufactured, no lens is invincible, and it will face damage over time. You can avoid the extra expense and enjoy better vision by taking proper care of your lenses and preventing them from getting damaged.

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Why Can Eye Contact Be So Powerful?

Looking Gals sOptical - Couple Making Eye Contact

The eyes are the window to the soul. While this may sound cheesy, studies have proven that eye contact can cause physical and psychological reactions. For example, prolonged eye contact can make your skin crawl and give you the creeps. On the other hand, locking eyes with an attractive individual across the bar could lead to feelings of arousal and excitement. Don’t believe in things such as love at first sight or the eyes being the window to an individual’s soul? Then you will want to check out what science has to say.

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The Best Ways to Manage Dry Eyes in Winter

Manage Dry Eyes Looking Glass Optical

Your eyes are your literal windows to the world – so it’s crucial to take proper care of them. However, many people suffer from various eye conditions, such as dry eyes. This can cause discomfort, stinging, and burning, leading to more serious issues down the line when left untreated. It also can be chronic. To manage dry eyes, you need to familiarize yourself with the condition and its symptoms.

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3 Reasons Why Washing Your Face is Good For Your Eyes

washing your face feature

As it turns out, washing your face every day is not only rewarding for healthy skin but your eyes as well. It’s a simple daily habit that helps to remove dirt, bacteria, and foreign particles that thrive on the skin’s surface. And, while it may seem like a routine task, skipping your nightly cleansing can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria on the face and eyelids. As such, this can lead to swelling of the eyelid, redness of the eye, and even certain infections. But, your first line of defense is proper hygiene. Here are 3 reasons why washing your face is good for your eyes. 

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What is Peripheral Vision and Why is it Important?

Tunnel view peripheral view

You know when you see something out of the corner of your eye? That’s what we call your peripheral vision. It allows you to see objects all around you without moving your eyes or turning your head. Also called indirect or side vision, peripheral vision helps you sense motion, view objects and sceneries, and walk around without running into things. Learn more about this all-important visual component, including peripheral vision loss and testing, below.

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What To Do If You Scratch Your Eye

scratch your eye feature

A corneal abrasion, more commonly known as a scratched eye, is a small mark on the clear, protective area (cornea) of the eye. This common injury can occur during routine household tasks, yard work, or sports accidents. Oftentimes, a corneal abrasion occurs when dust, dirt, wood shavings, or even contact lenses are trapped beneath the eyelid. So, if you feel like you have something stuck in your eye, along with tearing and redness, then you may have a corneal abrasion. Learn about the immediate steps to take if you scratch your eye.

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9 Causes of Blurred Vision & When to See a Doctor

blurry vision feature

It’s estimated that nearly 70% of adults experience some sort of vision problem in their lifetime. Most, however, are easy to treat with the correct diagnosis and/or prescription. Blurred vision, on the other hand, is a little bit more complicated and can be caused by a number of factors, some of which may be serious. Continue on to learn more about the 9 common causes of blurred vision, treatment options, and when it’s time to see a doctor. 

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This is How Dark Mode Really Affects Your Eyes

Dark Mode and Your Eyes

In a world of virtual learning, smartphones, and nearly round the clock access to screens, eye strain is a real thing. That is why many people prefer dark mode. This is a setting offered on many cellular devices and now browsers on desktops. Dark mode, or dark themes, basically invert the color schedule. This makes the text light and the background dark. The default, light mode, is dark text with white or light background. It might seem new to us, but actually, computers started out with a dark mode default. Still, many believe this will help with computer eye strain. But, does it? Let’s talk about some misconceptions.

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How to Prevent Eye Strain Through Office Ergonomics

Prevent Eye Strain Through Office Ergonomics

Office ergonomics are commonly associated with back/neck, and hand/wrist health. Yet, proper desk ergonomics is also beneficial to the health and comfort of your eyes. Nearly 80% of U.S. jobs are considered desk-bound or sedentary. Now, with the pandemic even more people have been required to work from home. Because of this shift, there is less walking and more sitting. While office ergonomics might have been considered by your employer, not many apply it to their home office.

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