
The Benefits of OptiLight IPL Therapy

Dry eye syndrome is an uncomfortable condition that impacts approximately 20 million people in the United States. If you have dry eyes and are struggling to get relief, one of the latest treatment options is OptiLight IPL therapy. But how does it help? Learn more about what causes dry eyes and the benefits that OptiLight IPL therapy offers.

Understanding Dry Eyes: What It Is and What Causes It

Also called dysfunctional tear syndrome, dry eye syndrome occurs if your tears cannot sufficiently lubricate your eyes. Your eyes need tears to stay healthy and comfortable.

Every time you blink, a haze of tears spreads over your eyes. This film keeps your eyes both clear and smooth. The tear film consists of three layers: a fat layer, a watery layer, and a mucus layer. If you have a problem with any of these layers, you can end up with dry eyes.

Some of the symptoms of the syndrome are:

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye redness
  • Burning, stinging, or scratchy eye sensation
  • Eye fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Trouble wearing contact lenses
  • Feeling like there’s something in your eye
  • Mucus around or in your eyes
  • Watery eyes

Not being able to produce sufficient tears can be a result of the aging process, medical conditions, certain medications, and even corneal nerve sensitivity.

Dry eyes can also occur if tears evaporate too quickly. It can occur in people who don’t blink enough or those who have eye allergies. Vitamin A deficiencies, as can being exposed to windy or dry climates, can cause fast evaporation.

Benefits of OptiLight IPL Therapy

OptiLight IPL therapy is a light-based dry eye treatment option that utilizes broad-spectrum light to reduce inflammation around the eyes. This process allows your eyes’ oil-producing glands to offer better lubrication. It is a non-invasive procedure applied directly under the eyes, gently warming the skin and providing rapid results.

OptiLight IPL therapy offers several benefits for people with dry eyes. Let’s examine the most crucial ones.

Reduces Inflammation

OptiLight IPL therapy helps to reduce the inflammation in your eyes that can occur because of the condition. In some instances, inflammation may even be the cause of dry eyes. If there’s inflammation in your tear glands, conjunctiva, or cornea, you won’t be able to produce the necessary tears.

If your eyes aren’t well lubricated, debris can cause tiny scratches on your cornea, which worsen the inflammation. This inflammation leads to a vicious cycle. OptiLight IPL therapy can help stop that cycle.

Improve Tear Break-Up Time

Tear break-up time refers to how long it takes for a dry spot to appear in your cornea after you blink. The shorter your tear break-up time, the more likely you are to suffer from dry eyes. OptiLight IPL therapy can help increase this time so that you can experience fewer and less severe symptoms.

Decrease Population of Demodex Mites

OptiLight IPL therapy also helps to reduce the population of the microscopic mites that live near your eyes. These mites can lead to infections because they boost the bacterial load on your eyelids.

Help With Blood Vessels

Inflammation can worsen if there are abnormal blood vessels in your eyes. OptiLight IPL therapy addresses this problem by destroying these problematic blood vessels so that healthier ones can take their place.

Heal Meibomian Glands

If your meibomian glands (which produce oil) are clogged, they can’t create a healthy tear film. The oil is necessary to prevent the tear film from evaporating too quickly. The light that emanates from the OptiLight IPL therapy device heats these glands and liquifies any oil that may have hardened and clogged them.

The OptiLight IPL Therapy Treatment Process

You will discuss the treatment with your optometrist and how to prepare for it. In the weeks leading up to the session, you should avoid significant sun exposure and avoid getting a tan. You should also avoid using some antibiotics and topical retinoids, which are present in many acne creams.

On the day of the treatment, don’t wear makeup or apply lotions to your skin. Your provider will cover your eyes for protection and will put a cooling gel on the treatment area. They will then begin treatment by applying light to the area. You may feel a warming sensation and see flashes of lights. From start to finish, treatment takes about 15 minutes.

Your provider will clean off the gel and apply sunscreen to the treatment area. You should continue applying sunscreen daily for the next two weeks. You can use cold compresses if necessary but avoid harsh cleansers. You’re free to use makeup, however.

With your provider, you can decide on the number of treatment sessions you need and how often to receive them.

Get Relief From Dry Eyes With OptiLight IPL Therapy

At Looking Glass Optical, we’re thrilled to offer OptiLight IPL therapy to our patients who struggle with dry eye syndrome. If you’re experiencing discomfort and even blurry vision, come in for a consultation to see if you can benefit.

If you’re looking for relief, Looking Glass Optical can help. Contact our team to schedule a visit with our optometrist.
