
Should You Open Your Eyes Underwater?

Summer is here, meaning visits to the water and plenty of sun and fun. When it comes to swimming or diving, the question of whether to open your eyes underwater is common. Some people feel comfortable doing so, while others instinctively keep their eyes closed. Let’s explore the factors to consider on whether to open your eyes underwater and help you make an informed choice.

Is it Safe to Open Your Eyes Underwater?

When maintaining good eye health, certain activities require our attention, and swimming is no exception. While swimming provides numerous benefits for our overall well-being, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks it poses to our eyes. Exposure to chlorinated water in pools and natural bodies of water can cause various eye discomforts, such as redness, irritation, and blurry vision. Here are some precautions to help safeguard our eyes during swimming.

Monitor Water Conditions

The clarity and cleanliness of the water play a significant role in determining whether it’s safe to open your eyes underwater. You may feel more confident about opening your eyes in transparent, well-maintained bodies of water, such as swimming pools or specific natural environments. However, keeping your eyes closed in murky or polluted water is advisable to avoid potential irritation or infection.

Wear Eye Protection

Opening your eyes underwater exposes them to various elements that may cause discomfort or harm. Chlorine in pools, saltwater in the ocean, or foreign particles can irritate the eyes. If you open your eyes, consider wearing appropriate eye protection like goggles to safeguard against these potential irritants and maintain clear vision.

Don’t Wear Contacts

It is generally recommended not to wear contact lenses while swimming, whether in pools or natural bodies of water. Contact lenses can also be easily dislodged from the eyes while swimming, causing inconvenience and potential damage. To ensure the safety of your eyes, it is best to remove your contact lenses before swimming. Consider wearing prescription goggles or disposable lenses designed specifically for water activities.

Potential Eye Infections

Water, especially in swimming pools, may contain chemicals, bacteria, and other microorganisms that can increase the risk of eye infections. Bacterial or fungal infections, such as conjunctivitis, are common in these circumstances. To minimize the risk, avoid opening your eyes. This is another reason to avoid wearing contact lenses, as bacteria can adhere to the lenses.

Personal Comfort

Ultimately, deciding to open your eyes underwater depends on your comfort level. Some individuals may feel relaxed and enjoy the experience of seeing underwater, while others may find it uncomfortable or anxiety-inducing. If you prefer to keep your eyes closed, you can still enjoy the underwater experience by relying on other senses and exploring the surrounding environment through touch and sound. Ultimately, prioritize your safety and enjoyment to make the best decision for your underwater adventures.

Keep Your Eyes Safe This Summer

Whether to open your eyes underwater depends on various factors, including water conditions, eye protection, vision correction, the risk of infections, and personal comfort. If you open your eyes, ensure the water is clean, consider wearing appropriate eye protection, and be mindful of potential eye infections.

Investing in a pair of goggles to protect your eyes when swimming in any body of water is wise. Before you head out to the water, pay Looking Glass Optical a visit. Our team has the expertise to perform comprehensive eye exams to ensure your eyes are healthy. Call Looking Glass Optical at 410-768-0202 or visit our website to learn more.
