
Important Eye Health Tips When It Comes to Studying

Studying is an important part of learning at any education level, but so is your eye health. Unfortunately, study sessions can damage your eyes, whether you spend time in front of digital screens or poring over a book you’ve checked out from the library. Finding ways to take care of your eyes while still getting in your study hours can help you be successful in school while also saving your eyes from unnecessary strain. Keep reading for important eye health tips when it comes to studying.

Studying with Screens

Although computers have become indispensable tools for learning and education, they also carry the risk of premature eye damage. Looking at screens for extended periods can lead to digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. This syndrome causes blurred vision, headaches, and dry or tired eyes.

Whether you use a computer to read online materials, go over lecture slides, or scour the internet for important research topics, spending too much time looking at digital screens can hurt your eyes and make future study sessions more difficult.

When possible, try to take frequent breaks and look away from your computer, make any hard-to-read text bigger so that you don’t have to squint to read it, and use the dark or night mode settings to adjust your screen display to your particular preferences.

Studying with Books

Although most learning these days feels like it is done online, you may still need a hard copy textbook. Books can offer flexibility in that they don’t need to be recharged or connected to WiFi for them to work. This means that you can easily take your book outside for a study session in natural light.

Even though a hard copy book may feel like a break for your eyes compared to your digital screens, reading for long periods can still negatively affect your eyes and vision. As with your screens, taking breaks and reminding yourself to blink can help relieve the strain on your eyes without disrupting your study session.

Eye Health Tips When Studying

Protecting your eye health from a young age pays off in the long run. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before jumping into your next study session:

Proper Lighting:
Whether you are studying in your room, the library, or at a coffee shop, make sure you have adequate lighting. Although you may feel like you can still see well enough as your eyes adjust to dim lighting, studying in low light makes your eyes do extra work that can cause unnecessary strain.

Take Study Breaks:
Staring at a book, computer, or phone continuously for long periods can strain your eyes. So if you’re planning a long study session, make sure to incorporate regular breaks one to three times an hour. A break will give your eyes a rest, but it can also help you focus better.

Get Enough Sleep:
Not getting enough sleep can negatively affect your vision and health, so make sure you are prioritizing sleep along with your studies. If you can, try studying in the morning or the afternoon. This way, you can use your evenings to wind down and prepare for a night of restful sleep.

#1 Eye Health Tip – Schedule Annual Check-Ups

Eye exams also play an important role in preventing vision deterioration. These exams track any significant changes in your eye health and ensure your prescriptions stay up to date. At Looking Glass Optical in Pasadena, MD, we offer comprehensive eye exams to help keep you and your eyes healthy. Call or visit us online to schedule your appointment today.
