LAser in SItu Keratomileusis, referred to as LASIK, corrects the refractive errors of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The history of using lasers on the human eye goes back to 1985.
However, it wasn’t until October 1995 that the FDA approved the first treatment for nearsightedness in the United States. By 1995, LASIK received FDA approval. Dr. Teles has been at the forefront of Laser Vision correction ever since the FDA’s first approval in 1995.
Over the last 25 years, many upgrades and changes in lasers, technology, and treatment options for refractive errors have evolved. Since this time millions of patients worldwide have enjoyed the benefits of laser vision correction.

Is LASIK Right For You?
It’s our goal to provide in-depth communication with patients as the evaluation progresses. Attention to details, goals, and especially concerns of patients, allows Dr. Teles to counsel patients as to which laser procedure may be the best.
Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for the LASIK laser procedure. The good news is that many people who are not good candidates for LASIK may be eligible for other laser treatment modalities. LASIK is but one of several other Laser procedures such as PRK or LASEK. For others, ocular lens implant surgery may be a good choice.
How We Can Help
Further testing is performed to rule out and/or correct dry eye, allergic eye conditions, and other conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma. Retinal health is also evaluated.
Our office is equipped with state of the art diagnostic equipment to evaluate corneal and complete eye health. Corneal topography, pachymetry, biomicroscope photography, and spectral microscopy are some of the advanced diagnostic equipment we use.
Besides excellent eye health, many other factors come into play to be a good candidate. These can include your age, stability of eyeglass correction, certain medical conditions, and more.
Alternative Procedure to LASIK
It may be that no laser procedure is realistic and a non-laser procedure such as Corneal Reshaping known as ORTHO-K or CRT may be the best way to achieve one’s goals. Age, prescription changes, corneal thickness, and corneal health and/or medical issues can influence the selection of the best treatment modality.
Our office provides free Laser Screening Evaluations and a complete laser vision evaluation with a routine comprehensive eye and vision examinations. We are happy to answer preliminary questions by e-mail or phone.
If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation with our therapist and pediatric specialist, Dr. Debra Frenkel, O.D.